L'ère des Super héros
C'est l'invasion des super-héros. Ils déferlent partout, sur nos écrans, dans nos livres. Et dans la classe.
His first name is fire-man. His family name is l'Armedefeu.
He is 20 years old. He has 2 brothers.
He live in New-York. He is a mechanic.
an lead to fire. He has hair in fire.He has a black fire sword.
launch fire bombs.
de Noa
He is very popular superhero.
His superpowers are amazing because he has the abilities of a lightning.
His name is Tornado.
His job is Glazier.
He lives in New-York.
His real name is Lucas.
He has a brown sweater.
His jeans are blue.
This superhero is a mutant.
de Lucas
His name is Muscleman.
His real name is James Adams.
His job is carpenter.
He lives in U.S.A.
His superpowers is fire and electricity.
He is very strong.
He is fast.
He is light.
He is thin.
He has black pants.
He has brown eyes.
He is black-haired.
He is handsome.
He is 16.
His name is Lightning.
Lightning is green-eyed.
Lightning is blond-haired.
Lightning lives in New-York.
Lightning's telephone is 06/51/15/34/44.
Lightning's nationality is american.
Lightning's job is fireman.
de Mathéo
Cloudy Girl
Her name is Cloudy Girl.
Her real name is Bella Watherimerser.
Her job is dancer.
She lives in Paris.
Her super power is to control clouds.
She is pretty, she is thin.
She love cats.
She has brown fingers.
She has long hair.
She is 25.
de Marine
Hamburger Man
His name is Hamburger.
His real name is Samuel Hero.
He is 21 years old.
He lives in Las Vegas.
His birthday is on May the twenty fourth.
His job is cop.
He has brown hair.
He has a green t-shirt, blue jeans, black shoes and a belt.
He can shoot lasers.
He can throw hamburgers.
He is strong.
Super girl
Her name is Super Girl. Her real name is Louane Lamenthe . Her job is top model. She lives in Madrid. She can fly. She can control snow. She can freeze things. She can grow plants. She can cure animals. She can do snow tornado.
Super Girl has cream skin. Super Girl has blond hair . Super Girl has blue eyes. Super Girl is pretty. She wears green and white dress.
Estratoride Man
His name is Estratoride Man.
His real name is Megatron.
He has no job.
He is 1120 years old.
He lives is Venus.
He has a propulsor. He has fire blade.
He is electric
He has dark eyes, he has a green skin, he is very strong, his legs are dinosaur parts, he has bombs.
de Victor
Love girl
She is Love Girl.
Her real name is Spencer, her family name is Hastings
Her job is nurse.
She lives in New York
She can fly. She has a super love power.
Her hair are blond and brown.
She can play piano.
Love Girl is thin and small.
She is nice.
She is amazing.
She can heal.
She is leaper.
She is fast.
de Margaux
Water Girl
Her name is Water Girl.
Her name is Nina Lepetit.
She is 16 years old.
She has one sister.
Her job is student.
She lives in Tokyo.
She has blue eyes.
She is black hair.
She has a blue t-shirt.
She has purple pants.
She has a blue dark cap.
She has brown boots.
She can control water.
She can control ice.
She can control clouds.
She can freeze things.
She can fly using clouds.
Her worse ennemie is Fire elf.
de Zoé
His name is Footballman .
He has 29 years old.
He is very very very popular.
He lives in New York .
His real name is Christiano Ronaldo .
His job is football player, in Real Madrid .
He has a ball face. His hands are balls. He has dark hair. He can shoot very very very hard. He has dark eyes.
He is fast. His eyes can launch lasers. He can launch balls with his hand.
de Quentin
Her name is Cat Fly .
She is a very popular superhero .
She is twenty nine :
She lives in Los Angeles .
- When she was young, she was bitten by a bad cat . And she would die if her mother
wasn't a good fairy. Now she can fly in the air and move like a cat in the air and move
like a cat in the ground. She has a real tail in the day. During the day, she is a normal person.
She works like a scientist. During the night, she becomes... CAT FLY
Her name is Metamorfosis. Her real name is Louane. Her family name is Fletcher. Metamorfosis has dark hair. Her job is rescuer. She lives in Buenos Aires. Her super powor is to metamorfosis live alone. She is amazing. She is pretty. She loves music and dance.
Shrink Woman
Her name is Shrink Woman. Her real name is Camille AUVRET. Her job is nurse. She lives in Lyon.
Her nationality is French. She is 23 years old. She has 1 brother. Her birthday is on May the thirty-first. Her superpowers are to shrink people and to play handball farewell.
Camille's father is cat. She has grey hair and she has brown skin. She has a cat head and she has blue eyes. She is pretty. She can run fast and she can heal quickly. She has a yellow T-shirt and red shorts.
Music Woman
Her name is Music Woman.
Her real name is Violette Emera.
Her job is student.
She studies music.
She lives in Italie.
Her superpower is to save persons with music and she can guess songs of futur.
She can fly.
She wears a blue t-shirt and a blue shirt.
She has purple hair.
She has a mp3.
She got her power by listening her mp3 every day.
Her worse enemy is Trixi, a fairy of the destrution.
She doesn't like rap.
Her family and her best friend are the only one to know.
His name is Dogman.
He can climb walls.
He can shoot lasers.
He has hands full of glue.
He has white and black hair.
He has red eyes.
He is thin.
He is fast.
He is handsome.
Her name is Fairy Woman.
Her real name is Andréa Mida.
Her job is stylist.
She live in 18 bis Michel Ange.
Her super power is to launch lighitning.
She has black eyes ,red hair.
She is 1,80 m tall.
She has a purple dress.
She has a cat.
She has twenty four.
She was born on the 26th of august.
She plays tennis.
Her favorite singers are Katty Perry and Black M.
de Lisa
His name is Disc man .
His real name is Romain Repel .
He has a blue skin .
He has no hair .
He is 24 .
He comes from Lyon .
He loves animals .
de Romain
Cake man
His name is Cake-man .
His powers are : he can throw candles and he can fly.
Cake-man is brown - skined.
He is a confectionner.
He comes from New York.
He is 17
He lives in London. He is tall. His job is coach. His real name is Olivier Lhermeroult .He is strong. He is handsome. He is very popular. He is 28 years old.
He lives in United Kingdom .
de Nathan
Her name is Fire Girl .
Her real name is Katy .
She lives in London .
Her job is hair-dresser.
Her superpower are shoot lasers with her hands, she can fly and shoot fire balls .
She is pretty and light . She is 21 . She loves pizza .
She is half-lion and half-human .
Fire Girl has one friend who knnow her identity. Her name is Jessie .
Her enemi is Ninja Girl and Tiger Man .
His name is Pizza Man.
His real name is Raphael Piker.
His job is Dustman.
He lives Qatar.
His superpowers are to throw pizza, to run fast and to lift anything.
He has blond hair.
He has blue eyes.
He is 30.
de Raphaël